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Trekkinggids Trekking in the Indian Himalaya | Lonely Planet | ISBN 9781740597685

€ 14,95 (inclusief btw)

(ISBN: 9781740597685, 2009, 260 pagina's)

Geef toe aan je avontuurlijke geest en trek door de spectaculaire Indiase Himalaya. Zowel beginners als doorgewinterde trekkers kunnen de rijke mix van culturen, religies en dramatische landschappen van de regio ervaren, onder leiding van auteur en Indiase Himalaya-liefhebber Garry Weare.

The world's leading travel guide publisher Our expert author, trekking the Indian Himalaya since 1970, will be your guide to some of the world's most awesome trekking. This book covers the region's top treks, through the Buddhist villages and high passes of Ladakh, the spectacular mountains and verdant valleys of Himachal Pradesh, and the sacred pilgrimage sites and high-altitude meadows of Uttarakhand. Whether you are an experienced trekker or a first-timer, you're sure to find the ultimate trekking experience here.


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